Overseeing a paid digital marketing campaign to support the launch of the Italian Trade Agency’s new ‘What Next In Italy’ website

The Brief

To plan and oversee a paid digital marketing campaign to drive awareness and web traffic for the Italian Trade Agency’s new whatnextinitaly.it website, which promotes Italy’s calendar of trade shows and events. Activity to take place across key channels: META (Facebook and Instagram), LinkedIn, Google Search and YouTube.

Our Solution

We began by devising a three stage campaign plan (awareness, engagement and action) that would focus on generally driving awareness for the brand  in the early stages before moving more specifically towards driving web traffic. 

With an ad budget of £50,000, and campaign performance would be measured against the following KPIs:

- Impressions: 9,746,837
- Clicks: 42,212

Key activity included:

Creation of the overarching three-phase strategy document - focusing on platforms such as LinkedIn and YouTube in the initial phases to drive awareness before focusing more heavily on META and Google Search to drive web traffic in the latter stages. 

Creation of all static ad designs (using existing client assets) 

Creation of all ad text, specifically tailored to each phase of the campaign

Posting all ads on relevant platforms (i.e. managing META business and Google Ads pages)

Monitoring ad performance and ongoing tailoring of the campaign to focus on the best performing ad designs and platforms

Weekly reporting to the client regarding status of the campaign and any suggestions for improving performance, in addition to a full report at the end of the campaign

What They Said

AM+A efficiently managed a three-phase paid digital marketing strategy for us. Not only did they design the ads in line with ITA’s brand guidelines, they managed every aspect of the campaign from beginning to end. Their ability to continuously monitor and adjust the campaign led to us exceeding our web traffic targets by as much as 300%
Italian Trade Agency

The Results

The three-phase campaign ran over a three-month period (February - April) and greatly exceeded the original benchmarks set out by the client

Impressions generated: 31,408,919 - exceeded benchmark by 222.25%

Clicks generated: 185,279 - exceeded benchmark by 338.92%

Skills & Services Delivered

Digital marketing 

Campaign management 


Social media management 

Analytics and reporting

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